Päivittäin uusi kuva kotikulmilta tai kauempaakin tilanteen ja fiiliksen mukaan.
Foggy in Sochi too!ROG, ABCW
Good choice for F!Wil, ABCW Team.
We've had lots of fog in the Seattle area, too!
Very wintry scene. It makes everything look just a little mysterious.
Great picture of the fog along the tree lined street.
great picture :)
Foggy in Sochi too!
VastaaPoistaROG, ABCW
Good choice for F!
VastaaPoistaWil, ABCW Team.
We've had lots of fog in the Seattle area, too!
VastaaPoistaVery wintry scene. It makes everything look just a little mysterious.
VastaaPoistaGreat picture of the fog along the tree lined street.
VastaaPoistagreat picture :)